Oh the Joys of cyberspace!
Hello, hello...
I've been working like a crazed lunatic, trying to get my website in order; Oy, don't ask! What a chore. I'm afraid I encountered several problems when my web host informed me that my site was set to be directed to a new platform. Yes, I know... sounds like a foreign language to me too. At any rate, they promised everything would be better than ever on the new platform. I asked, "What's wrong with things on the old platform; my site is running smoothly so why rock the boat???" Anyway, as you might have suspected, when they "migrated" my site to the new and improved platform, the wheels came off. To make a long, long story short, I ended up having to rebuild my website from the ground up... (didn't they understand how long it took me to build it the first time!) I have to go sit down and contemplate the fact that my website still isn't what it's supposed to be... I'll be back.